
I am a writer and consultant in the area of technology valuation. This site contains general professional information about me as well as supplemental content for my books, especially the 2009 Valuation and Dealmaking of Technology-Based Intellectual Property.  It also contains descriptions of my consulting work and approach, and contact information.  Finally, there is a section devoted to the Apollo space mission, of which I was a part.

2024 Update:  (Still alive and well).  I continue my association with CRAI’s Intellectual Property (IP) Group headquartered in Chicago.  And I’m blessed by being able to travel, now including an RV at one extreme, and at the other rucking (day packing with iron weights, 20 to 40 pounds, depending) in as rustic settings as possible, with Catrike-ing and e-Biking in the intermediate state of adventures.

If anyone is interested in a Christian context of “dealmaking”–which one might say has been inspired my business writing and consulting–I have written extensively on the Book of Job, from the Old Testament (OT).  It is likely the oldest book in the OT, and deals with the oldest issues and passions:  Why Evil?  What is Justice?  Is God Immanent and in what way?  I have created two pathways to the content, both by means of word play:  idealmaking.org and greatlifeformula.com   (The Book of Job, and my writing of it, are contra those twin ideas in the above URL’s–I-dealmaking, and a Great Life Formula–but you have to immerse yourself in that great revelatory book to see it thus, and whole).

Memorial of my brother is here (family only)